Athletic Department FAQ
Athletic Department FAQ
Holt High School
Athletic Department Information
Chris Bishop, Athletic Director: chris.bishop@hpsk12.net
Brittany Zandstra, Assistant Athletic Director: brittany.zandstra@hpsk12.net
Heather Hanton, Athletic Secretary: heather.hanton@hpsk12.net
Noelle Kaminski, Athletic Trainer: noelle.kaminski@hpsk12.net
Katie Petty, Athletic Trainer: pettyka2@msu.edu
Frequently asked Questions
Fall Sports Dates:
August 12th, 2024. See above graphic for time and locations.
- Are there practices during school breaks?
- Yes. Sports in season will practice and compete during all school breaks.
- Are there academic eligibility requirements?
- Yes. The Michigan High School Athletic Associations (MHSAA) -the governing body of high school sports – requires all student athletes to have passed 67% of their previous semester classes. In addition, they must be passing 67% of their current classes.
- The Holt Board of Education also requires student athletes to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 AND be on track to graduate with their class.
- How do I register my son/daughter for athletics?
- All student athletes must have an updated physical dated after April 15th of 2024.
- They must register at: BigTeams to be eligible.
- The MHSAA physical forms are located in the athletic office or can be printed from the www.MHSAA.com website or at www.holtathletics.org.
- Is there a participation fee?
- Yes. The participation fee for high school athletics is $200 or $100 for students that receive free/reduced lunch. There is also a family cap of $400. Please see flyer for more detailed information.
- Who can I contact for more information:
- Holt High School Athletic Director: Chris Bishop at chris.bishop@hpsk12.net
- Assistant Athletic Director: Brittany Zandstra at brittany.zandstra@hpsk12.net
- Athletic Secretary Heather Hanton at heather.hanton@hpsk12.net
- Is there a website for more information:
- www.holtathletics.org